Hey! It’s Ryan Ashley.

I’m a BIPOC/queer wellness advocate who aims to help people find better health holistically.

I do so by blending principles of mental & physical health, including nutrition, supplementation, strength training, cardio training & yoga & mobility practices.

I will tell anyone who will listen that creating sustainable healthy habits is all about taking one step at a time! It’s how I did it… My journey in the holistic health world started with a mental health journey. I grew up as one of the only Asian kids in my southern hometown, away from the Korean side of my family. Though I became more white-passing as I grew up, I was still constantly questioned about “where I’m from” & “what I am” which led to a lot of identity issues, as did being one of the only queer people I knew growing up.

I struggled for years with depression & anxiety, manifesting in a spectrum of negative emotions ranging from hostility to feelings of needing to prove myself & my worth to those around me. I was a shapeshifter — Always turning into whatever the person/people I was around at the time wanted or needed me to be. When I turned 25 I finally realized that I needed to figure out who I am outside of anyone else’s influence or desires, & so… the transformation began! I spent a lot of time alone figuring out what I truly love & what I believe is important in the core of my being as well as kicking bad habits. That included lots of long walks & hikes — which is where my passion for moving my body began.

Shortly after that I found yoga & knew by the end of my first class when I found a peace I’d never before experienced in my life that I wanted to be able to give that peace to others who may struggle with the same mental health problems I always had (& sometimes still do). For a couple years I taught public classes & private yoga sessions but knew I wanted more for my life & my career, so I started managing for a big box gym franchise. I moved from there to a privately owned gym company which worked me far too much to continue teaching & hosting yoga events… & so I let go of the thing I was most passionate about in service of moving into what a more traditional career looked like.

But not even a year after my latest promotion, I felt burned out. I had a revelation about myself & my wants from the fitness industry & remembered that what I’m most passionate about in all of this is just being able to help others… which isn’t the easiest to do if you’re stuck in an office or behind the front desk at a gym for over 50 hours a week. So I left my management & sales job at the gym, got my personal training certification & started working at a small, family owned training studio where I was able to not only train clients 1-on-1, but I was also able to get back into teaching the yoga classes I had been really missing!

But ultimately (as we age we learn more & more about ourselves, right?)… I figured out that I’m just not meant to work for others. I had been called to work for myself for a long time & just didn’t have the foundation, tools or finances to do so. At this point in my life, though, I feel much more confident, secure & motivated than ever to make the switch so… Here I am, taking the leap! If you made it this far then thank you for taking the time to read through this. I hope something in it resonated with you, but if you want to see more then check out my yoga, fitness & lifestyle content. OR! Check out the Classes/Events page for opportunities to meet, hike, train or practice with me in person!

Quick Fun Facts

  • Sagittarius Sun, Scorpio Moon & Capricorn Rising

  • Gryffindor/Ravenclaw cusp

  • Eneagram 4

  • INFJ


  • NASM Personal Trainer

  • 200hr Vinyasa Yoga Teacher

  • 100hr Yin Yoga Teacher

  • DotFit Supplement Coach


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